27 Dec 2003

Aaaargh. Barely a day after Christmas and it is hello, sunburnt country! In more ways than one. I'm on a little holiday of sorts and it so does not help when you've forgotten the sunscreen and the thought of going and buying some more has failed to cross your mind ... So my face looks like I scrubbed it with a Body Shop exfoliator glove and then stood in a scalding shower for half an hour. With a sunglass tan. I hate getting a sunglass tan! It makes me feel unsociable and very very stupid. Oh well, at least I'm not peeling. Though I'm sure there's still time for THAT.

It's been pretty relaxing so far, sitting on the beach, out in the sun doing nothing for hours on end gathering dust and cobwebs and sand. Guiltily getting a tan despite all the talk of skin cancer and premature aging. I promise I'll eventually stop frying myself in the hole in the ozone layer before it's too late. Next year. Meanwhile, get a load of the sexy bronzed gods playing frisbee near my patch of the sand! Miles of lean golden skin, six-pack stomaches and solid biceps abound. Stop me before I start to drool. Sure won't mind getting myself a piece of that... And I swear the blonde one was checking me out. No, really! Ah well, another day on the sand and sea beckons, so I must leave you with this.


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