9 Feb 2004

Went to see this classical music concert with my parents. There was this guy playing a Chopin concerto on the piano. With his face. Well, not actually playing with his face. But he was really funny to watch, his eyes and mouth was contorting into a multitude of different expressions as he played each note. And his eyebrows were crawling all over his forehead! And you could see him silently mouthing along to the melody when he wasn’t playing! He really did look like he was having fun…

And the conductor was wearing this funky (well, perhaps not funky, maybe just quaint) Dickensian waistcoat. Well, I think it’s funky anyway. You know, the kind of old-fashioned coat with a short jacket thing at the front and long tails (modified, they weren’t as pointy) at the back. The thing is, the conductor actually had the broad shoulders and narrow hips to fill it out properly so he looked really good. I just wanted to hand him white gloves and a top hat and stick him in a nineteenth century novel! The bunch of teenage girls behind me were absolutely going crazy when he came on stage (what the hell is a bunch of teenage girls doing voluntarily at a classical music concert anyway? A stranger sight I have never seen. I guess you could ask the same of moi but I have an excuse – the oldies made me go…). So anyway, he gets up on stage and they’re all like oh my god, look at the conductor, oh my god he’s so hot. That really cracked me up. Only from teenage girls, eh? Although I do confess I did think he was kind of spunky…

And then at the end when he’s coming back the second time after the encore one of the girls were like oh my god, oh my god! And then she started wolf whistling. The girl next to her goes, “Contain yourself!” and at this point I totally give up trying to keep my smiles to myself and burst out laughing. Ah, God bless them.


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