8 Mar 2004

Still on the topic of ballroom dancing:

I have decided that I’ve got the hots for Jake. He’s one of the good-looking blonde ones (blond! There I go again) with a really nice smile. And, according to John, ‘no shame’. (John goes, hey Jake, yell out Sophie across the room for me coz you have no shame. And then Jake actually does it without any thought. Which I found really cute. Whether it’s the ‘no shame’ part I was attracted to or the total compliance part (aargh, scary dominatrix thoughts popping into my head) I’m not sure, but I thought it was very sweet nonetheless.) Last time he wore sunnies for a bit during the second half of the night (the porn star look), which in my judgement errs on the side of dodginess, but he looked good so I forgive him for that…

He’s a little shorter than me, while wearing heels though. Oh my god, I just read over that last sentence and it did NOT sound right! I mean he’s a little shorter than my when I’M wearing heels, not the other way round! (I’m imagining Jake in heels and I almost fell off my chair…) Which is not tall at all for a guy but hey, I’m not complaining!

I’ve been walking around all day with a manic smile appearing sporadically on my face and I’m so unusually perky running on less than seven hours of sleep the night before. (I’m the kind of girl who desperately needs her eight hours or Mr Grumpy comes to stay.) It’s silly, I know, because I’ve seen him for what? A grand total of five times or something, and now I seriously can’t stop thinking about him. Rationally I’m absolutely aware that it’s just some fickle schoolgirl crush but yet I’m infatuated, to tell you the truth. Perhaps it’s my total bloody lack of social life that’s done it. I’m so flat out of opportunities to flirt with members of the opposite sex (not that I’d flirt otherwise, but you know what I’m getting at) that I’ve grabbed out and latched onto my only chance for romantic interaction for god knows how long.

Ah, the pitfalls of unrequited adolescent lust. It’s really quite depressing.

I wonder if I can somehow manage to let him know I’m interested? God I hope he’s not already taken or heading that way. Because that would really suck.


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