28 Mar 2004

Was at the supermarket the other day (supposedly buying lunch meat but secretly adding to my stockpile of chocolate and other junk food I should really be cutting down on…). I saw one worker expressing her triumph over fitting fourteen chickens in the roasting oven at once. And I swear the server at the deli counter was looking at me when I asked whether the sausages were already cooked like I was some ignorant girlie – though I suppose I WAS still in school uniform.

I was perusing the aisle of apples, peaches and grapes when suddenly the lights are cut off and we are thrown into a collective semi-darkness. Someone out the front mock-yells doom and one attendant muses to another what it would be like if everyone started to run out with all the food. The emergency lights gradually flicker into creaky life and suddenly the manager of the store is running around with a newfound urgency – is it just the supermarket power system or are the other stores down too? There is a community sense of relief and the general feeling of emerging from a drama together when we are told everything is okay, to rest assured that it was nought but a temporary blackout – until the head checkout chick informs us that the registers are down and it could be a twenty-minute wait to get them functioning again. I’m not leaving without my deli meats so I make myself a nice little niche by the magazine shelf and flip through a copy of NW. (Apparently Jen is jealous of the time Brad’s spending with his sexy female co-stars.)

They got the registers up and running in about five minutes though, so I got home without a lot of time lost. Turns out it wasn’t just the supermarket; it was the whole shopping centre as well. Which gave way to a myriad of conspiracy theories from my overactive imagination. Then I realised top-secret government projects operating in the walls of my little local shopping centre was a really stupid theory, and gave up on that.

You know what? Don’t you think that it’s really sad that a blackout in the supermarket merits a reasonably long and detailed entry in my blog?


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