9 Apr 2004

Guess who left a message on my answering machine. No, it wasn’t Santa, or the much-expected Easter Bunny. It wasn’t someone totally obvious and mundane like my mother or my best friend. And regretfully, it wasn’t Rafael Nadal or Elijah Wood. Stumped? Intrigued? No? Well, I’ll tell you then. It was the guy from ballroom dancing – the guy I gave my number to, the one at the social who said I was the prettiest girl in the room. Come to think of it, there have been an increased number of hang-ups on the machine as of late. Three today, and the message. I’m assuming they’re all from him, as none of my friends have mentioned trying to call me and getting the automated voice, and not that many people calling us hang up without leaving a message anyway. By chance of fate I have not been in to answer any of these calls and was presented with the recording by DD. MD was surprisingly cool about it, she didn’t freak or anything when she heard the message. Maybe because I didn’t tell her news that was totally freak-worthy, like I was completely in love with him and am planning to elope with him right after I graduate high school, forsaking a university education. (Yeah, right.) Or something.

Naturally I was stuck in a very uncomfortable situation where if I called him back I’d give the impression that I am actually looking for a relationship, but if I didn’t call I’d come off as a total Ice Queen and quite possibly crush him. Well maybe not exactly CRUSH him, but make him disappointed at the very least. I thought it over and didn’t know what to do, but in the end I let DD erase the message without returning it. I’ve even come up with an excuse too, if I end up talking to him again – I’ve been away for the last few days and didn’t know he called. But now I feel so guilty! Here I am being a total hypocrite, spouting all the stuff about looks not mattering on one hand, and then turning around and rejecting a guy because he’s not much of a looker. For all I know he could be a really sweet, wonderful guy. We could have so much in common and be perfect for each other. Then again, when we were dancing there wasn’t much of a conversation going because, to be honest, I wasn’t that interested. But he didn’t make a huge effort either. Maybe he’s just shy. I don’t know; we didn’t really click anyway. Like the other dude I gave my number to, he’s kind of scary looking. As J keeps saying. I’m not interested in a relationship with him either, but he was the best fun and would probably make a great friend.

Okay. Let’s make a pact, just between you and me. If he calls again or and manages to get in touch with me, I’ll go out with him. But only once mind you, and somewhere that won’t lead to any awkward situations. If it does turn out that we have heaps in common then it’s an added bonus, but if we don’t then like they say on the teenybopper’s silver screen, we can still be ‘good friends’.


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