25 Apr 2004

In a moment of insanity last term I signed up for inter-school debating. So what if guys were involved?? Seriously though, debating is somewhat enjoyable and I didn’t sign up for the guys. I, however, know some girls who most probably did, as they as far from people interested in debating as I can find. (Yup, it was the one who crossed the street to ask a random stranger for his phone number.) Anyway, debating guys are very rarely the… shall I say, interesting kind. Although you can never be too certain. There are always exceptions to the rule.

Procrastinating as usual, I thought there’d be plenty of time after we’d gone back from the holidays to prepare. Imagine my ‘surprise’ when I made the wonderful discovery that we had exactly two days left to get organised. Yay. But ah well, I work semi-competently under pressure, and we managed to pull everything together without breaking out into full-on panic and chaos.

When we got there on the day our adjudicator says to us, now girls, we’ve received word from the other school that they might be forfeiting, and we’re like THANK THE LORD! After the initial relief of skipping out of public speaking had subsided, I was a bit pissed that all our hard work had gone to waste. Okay, so maybe not THAT much hard work, but still! So with our debate ‘won’, we tried to sneak into one of the other debates going on at that time but they’d already started and when I opened the door both the audience and the speakers all shot us dirty looks. So that was out of the question.

We wandered around the darkening terrain of the school that was hosting the debates. They have the most vast and gorgeously maintained grounds AND do not spend a fortune paying the gardeners to dig up and replant all the flowers beds every bloody fortnight. We ended up on the enormous oval, idiotically posted with a sign saying “Please walk around the oval”. Hello?? What else are you going to do on an oval if you’re not going to play sport on it? So we trod on their freshly trimmed grass anyway and I though gee, wouldn’t it be classic if the sprinklers suddenly turned on with us in our poncy private school uniforms standing right in the middle and getting absolutely drenched? (Perish the thought!) Then I spot this dark hooded figure slumped over one of the benches and it’s just like shit! Aaargh! A hobo! Well obviously there is a very slim chance that a hobo would be lurking around at night in some high school, but we ran as fast as we could in the other direction and collapsed onto the pavement in fits of hysterical laughter. Oh, life was hilarious.

There was this funny little hilly bit next to their church so we’re all what the hey, let’s roll down it and get woozy on grass fumes. It was so much fun though, I love the adrenalin rush that comes with rolling down hills. So what if the grass was all hard and scratchy and there were all those damn trees in the way everywhere?? It sure beat being cooped up in a stuffy classroom with at some girl glaring at your team whupping their ass. Having the best laugh I’ve had in ages was totally worth it.


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