5 Apr 2004

Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit!

My parents have possibly read an entry of my blog. Sure, it’s all well and good when you can wallow in your relative online anonymity and have the whole world for all you know reading your private thoughts. That’s okay because you can almost be certain they don’t know and will never know who the hell you are and you won’t ever have to look them in the eye with the disconcerting knowledge that they have had a glimpse into the dark workings of your mind, but these are my PARENTS, for god’s sake! In case you’re wondering, no, they haven’t stumbled upon either of my web addresses so that’s okay; I’m not going to have to move everything onto another page. (Not that anyone CARES or anything. But just for the record.)

Let me explain. I sometimes write out my entries on good ol’ fashioned pen and paper before transferring it to cyberspace. That way when I am bored and have time to burn I have something constructive (or, well, interesting anyway) to do. Also that way I can jot things down when inspiration strikes and I don’t have access to my trusty computer. What’s happened is that after typing up my last entry I stupidly left the pencil-&-paper version next to the screen. (Or perhaps not… has someone been SNOOPING?) This morning while logging on I discovered it, laid out in plain view for all to see, sprawled oh-so-casually on top of a growing pile of various junk. So then of course I grabbed it, chewed it up and ate it. Okay, well maybe just the first part. But you can be guaranteed I’m going to either stow the paper somewhere where it will never see the light of day again, or put it through the shredder multiple times until it has no resemblance to its original form. Hell am I glad it wasn’t one of my more revealing notes!

Omigod omigod omigod omigod. I am such an idiot! Let’s hope my stuffed up left-handed pencil writing is so indiscernible that they gave up trying to figure out what the hell I was on about. How on earth could I have been so stupid?? This is one lesson I’m learning hard.


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