22 Apr 2004

Was going home on the bus (again) with JV. We never see them usually, but today the lipgloss-and-bubblegum ‘a2n’ group was out in full force with their unnaturally highlighted and layered hair, metallic lips, heavy eyeliner and schizophrenic pigtails. Oh, and their skirts three inches above where they should be. As JV rightly observed: what, is it national slut day or something?

They’re sitting across the seats from us and for want of better things to do we surreptitiously eavesdrop onto their conversation. They’re all: …and why do people say dosh anyway? What kind of word is that? I just call it money …or bling bling! Yeah, bling… so she didn’t know what a condom was so she looked it up in the dictionary… and she’s just like ew! …my boyfriend took me to this place… and blahdiblahdiblah…

And then I just thought God, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a life as shallow as that? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I never had all this messy insecurity and philosophical crap to worry about? If I didn’t have to think about schoolwork or the future ahead of where I’m going to go out on Friday night? (Clubbing, or something other than clubbing? With boyfriend, or without boyfriend? Oh, the possibilities.) Wouldn’t it be great if my parents didn’t give a flying fuck what I got up to in my free time and my biggest worry was whether my lipgloss matched my eye shadow? Ah, that would be the life. But really, what DO they get up to in all that spare time? It’s not like they’re very likely to be wasting precious brainpower on something as uncool as – gasp, gasp – thinking! (On second thoughts, please don’t answer that. I don’t think I want to know.)

Life then would be so gloriously simple. Oh, if only.


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