6 May 2004

Went to the city and wandered around aimlessly for hours. It’s seriously not good for me; I always end up in Darrell Lea or Chocolate Box or both and cannot resist gorging myself on their expansive ranges of fattening cocoa indulgences. Especially when I’m in there alone – my self-control pretty much just flies out the window. (Oh well, at least I’m burning it off by window shopping.) I picked up a foamy hot chocolate on the way, and with it went into all the usual girly clothes shops with emaciated models and booming Top 40 music. I popped into the slightly more upmarket ones as well, filled with way overpriced skimpy tops I will never be able to afford and piles of folded sweaters, still with the emaciated models but with impeccably dressed and totally scary shop assistants in place of the booming music.

I walked past Tiffany & Co. a few times and I swear the security guard was oh-so-casually swinging a DIAMOND NECKLACE in his meaty hands like it was a set of bloody knuckle-chucks or something. I didn’t dare go in myself, but as I peered in their elegantly understated windows I could see endless scatterings of perfectly coiffed, pearl wearing middle-aged women considering the jewellery, their hapless golf-playing (and no doubt loaded) husbands trailing behind. And I thought to myself, someday. Someday I will march right in there and be able to buy myself whatever catches my eye.

One day I will no longer be just another in the anonymous masses walking by and staring wistfully in. One day it is going to be my name up in the bright lights, my face plastered on their TV screens. Because one day, ambition and hard work will take me where no amount of dreaming can.


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