26 Aug 2004

I just don’t know. You remember how at the beginning of the year I was all, don’t label people because it’s cruel? Well yeah, I guess I’ve changed my mind. I think I’ve finally decided to accept the status quo. I have concluded that there are several girls who definitely deserve their labels of wannabe public school sluts. Heavy, heavy makeup, “bend over and I can see your lacy garter belt and underwear” length skirts and all. And the jocks certainly have their clique – which believe me, is extremely scary to walk through where they have permanently positioned themselves right in front of the stairwell everyone uses. The ESLs are the little groups of girls who spend all their time listening to Asian pop music featuring those freakish girly guys (who are TOTALLY different from pretty boys) and don’t speak a voluntary word of English. The geeks? Yeah, they would be the ones sitting in the front row of every class and studying three hours of maths every night. I mean, sure most of these people are totally nice and approachable when they’re by themselves, but united, everything’s different.

And you know what the scariest thing is? I’m beginning to think that Ditz isn’t so bad after all. I mean sure, she still comes up with the most ditzy Jessica Simpson-esque quotes ever, like in Geography – okay, just imagine her name really WAS Jessica Simpson – “if I got married, would my maiden name be Jessica, or would it be Simpson?” But I think she’s beginning to change her opinion on me too. Like lately, she’s actually talking to me, instead of just orbiting in an entirely different circle. If that’s not scary, then I don’t know what is. Perhaps she’s really not such a bad person. Of course she’s never going to become one of my actual friends, but hey, I think we’re all learning a little more tolerance towards each other.

The only thing I’m still not willing to accept is our group’s place in all this. Hell, I don’t even know what exactly my group IS. Swords are drawn and there are rifts beneath the current everywhere, and half the time everyone’s all hormonal and moody and no one knows what the hell’s going on with everyone else. But all that aside, I still can’t put myself in a box. I’m perfectly happy to label the rest of them, but I’m not going to stereotype myself.

Yeah, so I’m a hypocrite. What are you going to do about it?


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