1 Oct 2004

All about moi 

You know what? I’ve been riffling through the posts in this blog and I’ve realised that my readers, namely you, (namely ME because I’m like the only one who reads this but let’s not get into that), know basically nothing about yours truly. I mean, you know the basic outline of my life, and you get to hear some of the slightly less boring events that go on, but when it comes to who I actually am, there isn’t much there. So I’ve decided to let us get to know each other without giving away too much information that could lead to stalker-like behaviour from perverted members of the internet-viewing public. So here goes.

What you already know about me: I’m a teenage schoolgirl who lives in a part of the world where Christmas isn’t so much about bells on bobtails or one-horse golden sleighs, but rather the sweltering sun and long days spent on the beach. I speak English. (Duh.) I like to write. (Duh again.) There is a serious lack of guys and exercise in my life and far too much chocolate and bitchiness for my own good instead. I really need some new hobbies and spend far too much time on computers. (HTML, anyone?) I hate shallow people; yet take on many traits of superficiality myself. (Basically, I’m a bit of a walking contradiction.) My sense of self-esteem is slightly battered and knocked about. I like to ramble a lot.

What you don’t know about me: I have a fetish for lipgloss. I love it. LOVE it. Don’t go out of the house without it. Currently, I have twenty-one shades of lippy. And counting. And despite all that you’ve read about me and all that I’ve said about myself, I’m actually a lot more intelligent than my internet diary voice would have you believe. I’m a lot less sane too, which is a bit worrying, but that’s another story. My aspirations? I think medical research is a nice idea. As an idea. I’ve managed to convince almost everyone around me that that’s what I want to do when I ‘grow up’. But just between you and me? Acting is my real passion. Now I don’t mean I’m one of those people who are like, yeah, I want to be an actor because it’s cool and you get paid lots and you get famous. I actually, truly, seriously, desperately love to act. Just to be another person, I guess, leaving what passes as my real life behind for a little while.

My taste in music is mainstream rock (think Jet, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and The Strokes) with some very slight pop inclinations (Matchbox Twenty). I also have a guilty interest in Enrique Iglesias. In fact, I’ve got my own personal analogy about Enrique Iglesias. It’s like this: Enrique is the musical equivalent of rich double cream. It’s decadent and cloying, everyone credible condemns it, you know it’s bad for you and you feel guilty for consuming it, but you can’t help yourself – it’s just so damn good.

It’d be great if I had a boyfriend, but it defeats me how the hell I’m going to meet guys in my current over-protective parent situation. But I’m not that fussed – it’ll happen when it happens. Serendipity and fate and all that. Meanwhile, my hormones are still haywire but hey. You learn to deal.


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